Aye, Me Mateys! Adobe Flash is about to walk the Plank!

Redport Information Assurance
Well, I guess Steve Jobs, Apple’s former CEO has been granted his wish from the heavens! Adobe Flash which has been giving users much frustration with multiple vulnerabilities and has been exploited though-out history since its conception will finally meet its demise. Adobe Flash will be walking the plank into the infinite abyss in 2020. That’s only three-years from now! Okay, for those of you who have OCD, it’s even better 2 and a half years from now! Adobe issued a statement announcing the end of Flash, “We will stop updating and distributing the Flash Player at the end of 2020 and encourage content creators to migrate any existing Flash content to these new open formats,” Adobe announced the statement in their weekly security blog in July. Alas, you can hear security experts yelling in celebration, “Walk the Plank!”, “Walk the Plank!” Since the conception of Adobe Flash, it has been plagued with numerous complaints and even an award as “The Most Frequently Exploited Product”, Wow! What an accomplishment! Unfortunately, Flash was useful for many products such as games, videos, and other graphic intense applications over the web, and quickly led to unwanted cybersecurity exploits. However, the popularity and the heavy unanticipated risk overshadowed Adobe’s Flash product and it is now been in a deep decline since the introduction of new replacement applications. Therefore, it has also been known for some time that users have been blocking and uninstalling the Flash application to protect themselves from all of the successful exploits which the application has caused over the years. In the Adobe Flash security report, it also recently stated that U.S. Congress is still using the vulnerable Adobe Flash application, which is the only reason for the three year slow walk on the plank before hearing Adobe Flash going splash! Security researchers at Redport Information Assurance, LLC are having their own celebration as they are looking forward toward hearing that final splash because Flash has been a target of mass cybersecurity exploits.
By Dr. Randall Sylvertooth


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