C Class Hacking – “Gone in 60 Seconds”

Redport Information Assurance
Yes, technology is awesome! Yes, it’s convenient! However, it’s convenient for thieves as well! I have written various blogs about automobile hacking, especially while it is in operation but this time it’s the vehicle’s security. They only know that the vehicle was stolen without the key because of captured surveillance video. The thieves had stolen a Mercedes Benz with the keyless entry feature. They used a hacking device known in the hacking forums as “relay box.” The relay box has the capability of detecting and receiving signals from both the vehicles key fob as well as the vehicles locking mechanism for entry through surfaces such as doors, windows, and walls. Hackread the online security magazine that blogged about the story states that one of the thieves detected the key fob signal from the house while the other thief was able to relay the signal to the car to open and start the vehicle. Unfortunately, several vehicles have been stolen in this manner over the years using this device and technique. As FireEye intelligence has been reporting “Keyless entry systems that use radio transmitters to lock and unlock vehicle doors are vulnerable to several types of exploitation.” Unfortunately, there have been several similar attacks because of the availability of such tools that have been recently advertised on hacker forums. Therefore, Redport’s CEO Steve Reinkemeyer has looked at these trending factors and believes that there will be several more in the number and complexity of vehicle hacking incidents as vehicles become more and more connected through the use of advance technology IT web connected systems.

By Dr. Randall Sylvertooth


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